The Phyco-Bubble photobioreactor is an airlift system that provides a fully
controllable laboratory scale column reactor system to the microalgae
industry. The Bubble configuration is available in a range of incremental
sizes from 5 – 15 L, and can be illuminated with LED or fluorescent Gro-Lux
back lighting that can be tailored to specific photosynthetic requirements.
The system is mixed by aeration which significantly reduces mechanical
shear, and display excellent levels of turbulence and mass transfer. Standard
fabrication is with fittings and connectors made from machined plastic,
aluminium or stainless steel. The photostage is made from Schott Duran®
grade borosilicate, producing a highly productive system with a superior
The Phyco-Conical range of photobioreactors are ideally suited to laboratory
and inoculum production. The Conical systems is comprised of a tube of 2
m in length, with a total volume dependent on the diameter (60-370 L). The
system can be fabricated in either borosilicate glass, acrylic or polycarbonate,
with the top and bottom connections made from fibreglass. Lights and
control system are mounted on a light-weight aluminium frame. A variety of
ports for inlet/outlet and sensors can be located on the base, with probe
threads in plastic or stainless steel. The Phyco-Conical systems are mixed by
aeration from the fibreglass base, providing a turbulent high mass transfer
environment, whilst significantly reducing mechanical shear.