(RAS) Recirculating Aquaculture System
FBD can design, supply and install commercial and research RAS Aquaculture Systems including egg incubators, larval rearing tanks, hatchery/nursery and grow-out systems. With key species such as Salmon, Barramundi, Murray Cod, Trout, Scampi, Lobsters, Abalone and aquarium species.
Our main focus areas include:
(RAS) Recirculating Aquaculture System Design, Supply and Construction
- Sizing and concept plans
- Production planning
- Livestock management
- Equipment, infrastructure and building sizing
- Building and system layouts
- Engineered system designs
- BIM modelling of all compentnery
FBD have designed and installed commercial and research RAS Aquaculture Systems systems spanning over 10 years with several projects in the range of $5-10million. Our main areas of focus for design and supply are:
Commercial Production Systems
- Hatchery
- Broodstock
- Early rearing
- Ongrowing Systems
- Algae systems
- Intake water sterilisation and treatment
- Retrofit and bespoke design
- Specialist species include Salmon, Trout, Barramundi, Prawns, Yellowtail Kingfish, Coral trout, Galaxiids, Abalone, Crayfish, Yabbies’, Seaweed and Micro-algae along with the ability to develop other species as needed
Research and Development systems
- Rack/Aquarium systems
- Variable parameter (temperature) systems for feed/growth trials
- Waste and feed collection
Please contact Fresh By Design for more information.