RAS – Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

RAS – Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

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FBD can design, supply and install commercial and research RAS Aquaculture Systems including egg incubators, larval rearing tanks, hatchery/nursery and grow-out systems. With key species such as Salmon, Barramundi, Murray Cod, Trout, Scampi, Lobsters, Abalone and aquarium species.

(RAS) Recirculating Aquaculture System

FBD can design, supply and install commercial and research RAS Aquaculture Systems including egg incubators, larval rearing tanks, hatchery/nursery and grow-out systems. With key species such as Salmon, Barramundi, Murray Cod, Trout, Scampi, Lobsters, Abalone and aquarium species.

Our main focus areas include:

(RAS) Recirculating Aquaculture System Design, Supply and Construction

  • Sizing and concept plans
  • Production planning
  • Livestock management
  • Equipment, infrastructure and building sizing
  • Building and system layouts
  • Engineered system designs
  • BIM modelling of all compentnery

FBD have designed and installed commercial and research RAS Aquaculture Systems systems spanning over 10 years with several projects in the range of $5-10million. Our main areas of focus for design and supply are:

Commercial Production Systems

  • Hatchery
  • Broodstock
  • Early rearing
  • Ongrowing Systems
  • Algae systems
  • Intake water sterilisation and treatment
  • Retrofit and bespoke design
  • Specialist species include Salmon, Trout, Barramundi, Prawns, Yellowtail Kingfish, Coral trout, Galaxiids, Abalone, Crayfish, Yabbies’, Seaweed and Micro-algae along with the ability to develop other species as needed

Research and Development systems

  • Rack/Aquarium systems
  • Variable parameter (temperature) systems for feed/growth trials
  • Waste and feed collection

Please contact Fresh By Design for more information.