MBBR are biological filters, fabricated to provide biological filtration and maximize oxygen concentration while enabling organic load degradation. MBBR biotowers, are made of PP, resistant to osmosis and ozone gas. MBBR range covers the treatment needs for Biomass load from 10 up to 850kg per bio-tower, utilizing low water volume and small footprint. The non-treated water swell is continuously mixed with air/oxygen in the biotower, while the organic load is degraded biologically by microorganisms. This bio-film layer is formed on and in suspended polyethylene floating media.
Our Moving Bed Biofilter Reactor is a tested and proven biological filtration solution that allows high oxygen concentration and excellent TAN removal at the smallest possible footprint.
MAT MBBR is applicable to any biologically charged water volume and it is commonly used to fresh and marine RAS farms and hatcheries.
- Advanced Reactor design, Robust and Proper for saline and fresh water
- Improved biological reactor for aquaculture facilities
- Long Lasting Polyethylene moving bed media
- Better biological filtration than trickle filter
- Ease in operation & maintenance
- Compact units with small size.
- Increased treatment capacity.
- Improved settling characteristics.
- Operation at higher suspended biomass.
- Concentrations leading to long sludge retention times.
- Enhanced process stability.
- Low head loss.
- No filter channeling.
- No need of periodic backwashing.
- Reduced sludge production and no problems with Sludge bulking.
The Moving Bed Biofilter Reactor retains the organically charged water by creating a vortex, to evenly move the bio media into the highly oxygen saturated contact chamber. This retention allows the microorganisms to biologically absorb the nutrients off the water at a higher level than a traditional trickle filter.
The PE bio-balls provide on their surface the optimum environment for the biofilm layer growth and activity. The activity of the micro-organisms biofilm conversion of the organic load to NO3 is enhanced by continuous air/oxygen infusion into the moving bed reservoir. MAT integrated MBBR design optimizes the air mixing process through high pressure air injection and fine air bubble subsequent formulation.
Moving Bed Biofiilter Reactor, MBBR Technology presents several operational advantages, compared to other conventional RAS and LSS biological treatments.This is an advanced biological reactor for aquaculture and aquarium wastewater treatment. MAT Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR). Moving Bed technology presents several operational advantages, compared to other conventional LSS biological treatments. Smaller biological reactor volumes and smaller secondary settling surface are needed in order for bacteria slime to settle and nourish.
Scientifically proven results indicate that a properly designed MBBR Technology with polyethylene media as Biofilm carrier possess great potential to be used for OMS removal from aquaculture wastewater. The moving bed Biofilm process may be used as an ideal and efficient option for the total nutrient removal from a closed circuit aquaculture or public aquarium waste water treatment.
The required aeration within the filter is established by using a rigid aeration grid. The grit is fed by both high pressured air releasing air bubbles at the bottom of the filter bed, that move upwards. Oxygen uptake by the biomass on the moving/floating media is highly efficient, as these are moving slowly downwards, creating a moving bed vortex.
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