ULTRAAQUA UV Channel UV system series offers environmentally friendly and chemical-free disinfection of Aquaculture intake and discharge water treatment systems.
Open channel systems are available for vertical, inclined and wall-mounted installations making it a perfect solution for retrofit installation into existing tanks and systems.
UV Lamp banks are based on modular design and can be expanded to treat almost any flow. The SS/PP channel series is versatile and will fit into a variety of channel depths and widths.
- Modular design and control system
- UV systems can be controlled remotely via ULTRAAQUA UV central PLC system
- ULTRAAQUA unique UV system design allows up to 30 cm/12 inch variation in water level
- Regular maintenance tasks can be performed while the UV system is operational
- The design technology for Open Channel UV systems with hygienic isolated top compartment allows for easy access to all UV lamps
- Polypropylene or electropolished stainless steel AISI 316l construction
- Simple installation, operation and maintenance
- Vertically installed lamps, accessible during operation and no submerged electrical components
- No tools needed for maintenance
- Continuous lamp performance / lifetime monitoring
- Optional water level control and UVT sensor
- Available with standard or advanced controls
- High level of customization – to fit in any channel dimenstion
- Automatic wiper system
- CFD optimized hydraulics
CFD Optimized design
ULTRAAQUA open channel UV systems have been CFD optimized thoroughly in order to make sure that the lamp array is optimum for sewage water and wastewater disinfection. With particle tracking and conservative fouling factor, the disinfection efficiency is guaranteed
UV transmittance is the fraction of electromagnetic radiation at 254nm that passes through a water sample of typically 10mm length (UVT10 or T10). In relation to UV system sizing this parameter is as decisive as water flow rate. In general, the higher water quality, the higher UVT. However, water that looks very clear can have low UVT if it contains certain dissolved substances such as iron and manganese. ULTRAAQUA will free of cost measure UVT or we can estimate it based on our vast experiences.
For low UVT applications (UVT < 70%), please consider the LOW UVT Series.
Vertical or inclined installation
ULTRAAQUA’s 20 years of experience with UV systems for open channel installations has shown that vertical or inclined installation is clearly advantageous compared to horizontally/fully submerged UV lamps. All electrical connections are placed in dry and clean top compartment. This will ensure stable operation throughout the lifetime of the system. It is also important to note that both the UV lamps and the UV sensors can be serviced in a very quick, safe and hygienic matter without elevating the lamp banks.
Open channel UV systems for retrofit installations
ULTRAAQUA UV can produce optimized custom made UV systems based on your specific requirements. Size can be customized to fit into a variety of channel depths and widths. Open channel UV systems are available for vertical, inclined and wall-mounted installations – making it a perfect solution for retrofit installation into existing chlorine contact tanks