Fresh By Design recently attended the annual Australian Prawn Farmers Symposium. This year it was hosted at the world famous Royal Pines on the Gold Coast. You may have heard on the news that just before Christmas 2016, prawn farms on the Logan River were wiped out from a new virus, White Spot Syndrome Virus. As expected this was the hot topic of the symposium with presenters from all over the world providing advice and support to the Australian farmers.
Fresh By Design has been a sponsor of the symposium for 7 years. This year we were able to sponsor and present the industry awards, the drinks for the gala dinner and continuing a tradition of sponsoring up and coming, industry relevant university students or researchers to attend and present at the Symposium.
Thank you to the Australian Prawn industry for having FBD, congratulations to all the award winners and we will see you at the next one.