CLIENT: Sydney Fish Markets
LOCATION: Sydney, Australia
YEAR: 2023
We are proud to announce that we have been awarded the Live Seafood Life Support System design and construct contract for the Sydney Fish Market Redevelopment project.
These Live Seafood holding systems will provide Wet Storage for a variety of seafood species including Rock Lobster, Abalone, Coral Trout, Spanner Crabs, Blue Swimmer Crabs, Pipis and others.
There are 7 x Live Seafood Holding systems in total each with individual filtration systems including:
- Media Filters
- MBBR Biological Filters
- Protein Skimmers
- Ozone Generators
- UV Sterilisers
- Heat Exchangers
- Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring
- Air Blowers
- Recirculation Pumps with VFD’s
An additional 7 x transportable Live Seafood tanks will have the capability to ‘plug’ into the filtration systems to increase the holding capacity when needed.
Fresh By Design have designed all systems and will also provide the equipment, on-site installation, commissioning and post project support.
We are thrilled to be working under Multiplex as the main contractor for the project.